Why We should Try living plastic Free?

by - 10:05 AM

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Well, I have been doing my research about plastic Free and already trying my best to be plastic Free and do my best to avoid anything that comes in plastic, I know you may ask how and is it hard or it is impossible? Well the answer is yes for me who lives in Dubai and in my opinion there is not much opportunities and solutions as if I was in New York city or had a friend who is an expert in being plastic free, my point is trying is not a bad idea and even by trying we can make a difference

Let me give you an interesting and scary fact about why we should go plastic free or at least try to reduce the use of it, "plastic takes a minimum of 450 years to break down once it reaches the sea and a maximum of: forever. Plastic, even if it's ground down into tiny pieces, doesn’t dissolve, so the oceans are already full of it and being lumped with a further eight million tonnes a year. By 2050, it's estimated that there will be more plastic in the sea than fish", and I'm sure that's not what we would like to see happen, but the thing is how to reduce the usage of plastic, I myself didn't know a thing about how to be plastic Free person but I did my research and here are few of the tips to get you plastic Free days started.

Carry reusable shopping bags.
Carry whatever works for you. Some people like reusable canvas totes. Others prefer to put their purchases into a backpack or messenger bag. Do you often forget your reusable bags? ChicoBags are a great emergency alternative. While they are made from synthetic materials, they compress into their own attached stuff sack, which makes them very convenient and likely to be used. I carry several of them in my purse so I am never without a bag. If you have a car, keep your grocery bags in it and remember to bring them into the store with you! And one more thing: reusable bags are not just for groceries! Carry them for all your purchases, from electronics to clothing.

Carry a stainless steel travel mug or water bottle at all times for coffee and other drinks while out in the world.
(I use my travel mug for water instead of a water bottle.) Besides the plastic lid and plastic straw, paper cups are lined with a plastic coating. When I first began this project, I got in the habit of requesting “no lid and no straw” when ordering a drink in a disposable paper cup. But nowadays, if I’ve forgotten my mug, I simply do without until I can find a water fountain or sit-down cafe or restaurant with durable cups and glasses. This process helps me to remember my reusable mug next time.|Say no to plastic produce bags. They are generally unnecessary. What are we worried about? That our apples won’t get along with our broccoli during the trip home? Or is it that the product will get dirty? Hey, it grew in the dirt, and we’re going to wash it anyway, right? At the grocery store, I put most produce directly into my cart and then into my reusable bag.

Choose plastic-free chewing gum.
Did you know almost all chewing gum is made of plastic? That’s right. When you’re chewing gum, you’re chewing on plastic. But plastic-free chewing gum options do exist.

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These are just a few of the tips and guide, you can also do your research to get completely Plastic-free and know more about how you can actually help the environment, please let us know if this article was helpful, our goals is to make this reached out to everyone cause its such an important thing to know about the earth and ocean where we live on, We want to use our social platforms to make a change that's worth it. Please let us know your feedback on our Instagram by Following us. @KKgirlzstyle

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